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"I believe in Jennifer Munro's approach to the mental and emotional side of golf so much that I encourage all the PGA Tour professionals I work with to take the profile test and to work with Jennifer's analysis to improve their response to the pressures and stress of tournament golf. It has produced great results. I never bought into the "one size fits all" approach that is currently peddled such as "relax, visualize, pre-shot routine, etc.". They can help some, but I believe actually harm others who try them. The approach to handling the intense pressure of tournament golf must be tailored to the individual's personality. With out understanding the personality factor, any suggestions on how to handle stress is like throwing a dart at the wall. "

Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy

Website PGA Teacher of the Year 2007
Website Website

"The Golf Mind Rx™ profile is a sophisticated yet common sense approach to learn about your personality traits and how they affect your game. I completed the profile and the results had me pegged right down to the color of the socks I prefer!"

Stephen Trendler
Stephen Trendler

Editor Editor,
  Florida Golf Central Magazine
Website Website

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for $99.00. For a limited time only, as a bonus and to get you off to a good start on improving your golf, you can arrange a 30 minute conversation with the founder of Golf Mind Rx, Jennifer Munro, at no additional charge, ($150.00 value).

Once you have read your personal report, just email with your contact information and a specify a good time for her to call you.


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Is the golfer in your life struggling with his or her game? Are you tired of listening to the complaining, replaying of mistakes, and excuses?

If so, then a Golf Mind Rx™ gift certificate will be
a gift you both can enjoy!

Treat your special golfer to a gift that will lead to
lower scores and more fun!

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