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"I believe in Jennifer Munro's approach to the mental and emotional side of golf so much that I encourage all the PGA Tour professionals I work with to take the profile test and to work with Jennifer's analysis to improve their response to the pressures and stress of tournament golf. It has produced great results. I never bought into the "one size fits all" approach that is currently peddled such as "relax, visualize, pre-shot routine, etc.". They can help some, but I believe actually harm others who try them. The approach to handling the intense pressure of tournament golf must be tailored to the individual's personality. With out understanding the personality factor, any suggestions on how to handle stress is like throwing a dart at the wall. "

Jim Hardy
Jim Hardy

Website PGA Teacher of the Year 2007
Website Website

"The Golf Mind Rx™ profile is a sophisticated yet common sense approach to learn about your personality traits and how they affect your game. I completed the profile and the results had me pegged right down to the color of the socks I prefer!"

Stephen Trendler
Stephen Trendler

Editor Editor,
  Florida Golf Central Magazine
Website Website

What is Golf Mind Rx™?

The Golf Mind Rx™ Profile defines these temperaments as follows:

The Colors of Golf

Challenger Golfer

CHALLENGER (Red) GOLFER- The central trait of this temperament is DOMINANCE (D). The most common behaviors of these individuals have to do with the drive to control their environments, destinies and outcomes.

Observations that indicate dominance:
Assertiveness, decisiveness, risk-taking, direct and straightforward, results and goal oriented, confident, competent, competitive. (Opposite trait: submissive)

Social Golfer

SOCIAL (Blue) GOLFER - The central trait of this temperament is EXTROVERSION (E). The most common behaviors of these individuals focus on relationships and interacting with and influencing people.

Observations that indicate extroversion:
Sociable, outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic, fun, empathetic, intuitive, communicative, cheerful, life is a "happening." (Opposite trait: introverted)

Traditional Golfer

TRADITIONAL (Yellow) GOLFER - The central trait of this temperament is PATIENCE (P). The most common behaviors of these individuals focus on fairness, maintaining harmony and building agreement and consensus.

Observations that indicate patience:
Easy-going, relaxed, stable and persistent, unselfish, dependable, cooperative and agreeable, peacemaker, supportive. (Opposite trait - Urgent)

Technical Golfer

TECHNICAL (Green) GOLFER - The central trait of this temperament is CONFORMITY (C). The most common behaviors of these individuals focus on traditional values, and strong sense of right vs. wrong, following processes and systems, and technical orientation and expertise.

Observations that indicate conformity:
Accurate, precise, systematic, analytical, perfectionist, cautious, self-sacrificing, suspicious, guarded, reserved, technical. (Opposite trait - Non-conformist)

These four dimensions of behavior lead to obvious differences in how we approach all of our decisions, how and what we believe and even our preferences and competencies. They affect how we approach and play golf, and more importantly, why we play golf. The temperaments of those with whom we share the experience of golf add even more complexity to the game. Awareness of your golf profile could be the key to gaining control and mastery over many challenges, on and off the course.

The Golf Mind Rx™ Profile by Golf Mind Rx™, Inc. is a product of advanced technology, combined with established and accepted behavioral data, which links your personal characteristics to your personal approach to golf. Your profile is designed to help you develop insights into yourself and your approach to golf.

Your golf dynamics are as unique as you are, and these traits have a significant impact on why you play golf, how you approach golf and what happens to you on the course. They are the final piece of the puzzle, the answer to why your desired outcomes remain elusive and often less than expected regardless of the considerable investment you make in golf, whether in time, money or psychic energy and analysis.

Today, it is easier to learn to play golf than ever. We have a copious amount of instructional opportunities and resources along with advanced technology in equipment. The advances have been extraordinary if you want to KNOW how to play golf. Most golfers with any experience have learned that DOING does not always follow KNOWING. With experience, we often know what we should have done, but we don’t always know why we didn’t do it. It is apparent that golf mirrors life in that it is dependent on subjective insights as well as knowledge and technique.

Many attempts have been made at defining why golf is so enticing, alluring and addictive to so many people. Psychologists have offered that it is because golf is a sport of intermittent rewards, and of course, unpredictable. Since the same amount of people take up golf as those who quit each year, obviously intermittent rewards are not rewarding enough for many golfers.

The elusive quality of golf is that it means and does something different for each golfer. It challenges the uniqueness of each individual and provides an opportunity to enhance self-mastery as well as performance. Golf is very personal.

Motivation is also very personal and is a powerful factor in anything we do. It is rare, however, for golfers to give much serious thought to the personal, inherent reasons they play. Yet, this is an essential principle of improvement. Motivation is central to incentive, and it also identifies and alerts us to our most threatening DE-motivators. When a DE-motivator occurs on the course, the neuro-response, the brain’s response, (adrenalin speeding to muscles, increased heart rate, etc.) occurs in an instant. A change then occurs in the physiochemical and emotional state. These DE-motivators can be very subtle and directly or indirectly related to the golf shot or condition. They differ from person to person.

Regarding motivation, when people talk about golf, you may hear “I play for fun; doesn’t everybody??” Actually, fun is a significant motivation for only about 30% of golfers. We hear, “I play to relax, doesn’t everybody?” Relaxation is a primary motivation for only 50%. Challenge and winning is centrally important to 10%.

Motivations are key factors in our values, preferences, needs, intentions and beliefs; these are profoundly determined by genetics and influenced by environment and experience. Motivations profoundly influence behavior and behavior translates directly into performance. Personality matters. However, one needs only to look at the differences in players like Tiger Woods and David Duval, or Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus to see that different approaches, motivations and personalities can all develop mastery on the golf course.

These behaviors have been analyzed and summarized through the centuries. Advances in neuro-science have identified the intrinsic role of the brain in attitudes, behavior and performance. Amazingly, the latest technical advances in neuro-science have affirmed what others have long proposed and accepted. While human dynamics may seem complex, human behavior and performance can be understood. Whether defined in ancient times or by modern neuro-science, human behavior and motivation can be understood in terms of four core temperaments.

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