With over 100,000 tee times at over 5,000 quality courses and resorts across the US, Canada, Bermuda, Mexico, Ireland and Scotland, booking a tee time has never been easier!
GolfNow.com offers the best in tee times and course selection through easy and convenient booking methods. Using leading edge technology, golfers now have more ways to stay connected to their favorite courses and tee times through the web, email and iPhone mobile app.

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Gunsight Putters
official putter of GolfMindRx
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The Dynamic Balance System - DBS T
The Dynamic Balance System - DBS T
is a precise instructional tool providing real-time computer assisted feedback,
designed to monitor the golfer's weight transfer and motion of their power generating center of gravity.
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I completed the Golf Mind questionnaire and the results were
really helpful. They are specific to my personality strengths
and weaknesses. I have been reading the golf improvement suggestions
before each round and incorporating them into my pre-swing routine--improving
my mental control has been a missing link in my game!
Dan Goldstein, PT, ATC
to a 15 handicap and improving |
Jim Hardy
America's Fifty Greatest Teachers
After a long career first as a Pga Tour player and then a teacher, Jim Hardy branched into a lucrative course-design business. But it was curiosity about his own game that brought him back to the forefront as a teacher.
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Bobby Lopez, PGA
Golf Tips with Bobby Lopez
Constant updates on new golf tips to improve your
golf game! I post any new methods we used to resolve
a specific golf swing fault. I'm always searching
for a better way to communicate improvements in
our student's golf games. As an added bonus we
have golf comedy clips from our radio show on ESPN
and tips for doing business while on the golf course.
Golf is the game of business...start golf networking!
Visit Bobby Lopez's Website
Golf Digest (Golf for Women
- GFW)
What's Your Golf Personality?
New research shows there are four distinct types of golfer.
Take this quiz to find out why you play the way you do
-- and how a little self-awareness can go a long way
toward helping you improve your game.
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The Augusta Chronicle - Master's 2005
Profiler breaks down mental game
Jennifer Munro has an educated idea of what makes Vijay Singh, Tiger Woods,
Ernie Els and Phil Mickelson tick on the golf course. That knowledge, she said,
helps explain why Woods, Singh and Mickelson have won green jackets and Els has
had an arm in a couple of them.
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Stephen Trendler
Jennifer Munro: Providing soul food for the brain
with Golf Mind Rx
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current version of Adobe
Acrobat Reader. Click
here to download the reader.
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The Shrinks
of Shank
Golf by Todd Pitock
Some who study the game of golf believe
that every player reveals his personality "type."
What does your game say about you?
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AirTran Airways Inflight Magazine
Course behavior
A round of golf can serve up surprising insights about you. and your fellow players.
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